HR and Technical manager from JGC are coming to SNU tomorrow(7.28)

2012-06-27l 조회수 559

[NOTICE]HR and Technical manager from JGC are coming to SNU tomorrow!!

Dear exclusive students in Korea,

Hello, this is Yuichi Nojima from TOP CAREER International, a global career development support service.
We are writing to inform you of a Premium Career Seminar of JGC tomorrow!

HR and technical manager are coming from JGC, Japanese TOP plant engineering company, to Seoul National University to hold a Career Seminar.
Check the details below, and join us to take this great opportunity!

<Premium Career Seminar and Interview Session of JGC>
Time: TOMORROW 9:00 AM (Thursday, June 28th)
Venue: Room 206, Lotte International Education Hall(152-1), Seoul National University
What you need to bring: Stationery, CV(If you can prepare)
Qualifications: Students with a major in Mechanical engineering, Electrical/Electronic engineering, Materials, Chemistry, Civil engineering, and Information systems(ANY DEGREE)

JGC officers will give you an information session and interview session.
This Career Seminar is for every students with any degree.
Feel free to join us!

<Corporate profile>
JGC, a leading global engineering company, has carried out approximately 20,000 projects in approximately 70 countries, including Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South America, East Europe and Japan.

Contact us through the address and number given below.
TOP CAREER International/Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation
TEL: +81-3-3263-6847