2020-08-19l 조회수 941
[MUST READ] 2020 2nd Sem. Override Forms Submission (Online) for Aerospace Engineering Courses
1.Complete Form and submit. Students must make sure to enter correct information for the following.
-Program, College and Department, Student ID number, Year, Full name, Mobile phone, Reason for submission, Course classification, Course number, Lecture number, Course title, Instructor, Retaking information
2.Online request for acceptance by subject professor in charge-> Capture approved (e-mail, messenger etc)
1)Acceptances for override forms will be announced after the Department Office confers with professors. Any previous individual request submitted in written form or via e-mail will be disapproved. Please refrain from contacting the professors regarding the matter. Order of Priority (Subject to change according to lecture room logistics, lecture room priorities, instructors’ preferences)- mso-pagination: none;"> - Other exceptions to be taken into account (canceled lectures, etc)
2)Prior to the override forms acceptances announcement, students can register for additional courses to meet the maximum number of credits per semester. However, after the announcement, students whose override forms are accepted must withdraw enrollment for lecture(s) before Sep 14 (Mon) 2PM, taking into account the credits for the overridden lecture(s). This is in order for the overridden lecture(s) to be registered to the system.
3)Override forms may only be submitted for courses offered by the Department of Aerospace Engineering. For other courses, please consult the corresponding Departments accordingly. (e.g. For Engineering Mathematics, refer to Faculty of Liberal Education)
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