[장학] Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Global Scholarship for Spring 2025
조회수 138
첨부파일 (5개)
1-1. (ENG) Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Global Scholarship for Spring 2025.pdf
(312 KB, download:12)
1-2. 2025학년도 1학기 현대차 정몽구 글로벌 장학사업 선발계획(안).hwp
(74 KB, download:12)
2-1. (양식1)제출지원서 (CMK application to your college).docx
(45 KB, download:7)
2-2. (양식2)Website Manual How to Apply for the CMK Global Scholarship.pdf
(738 KB, download:8)
3. 추천명단 양식(학과(부)).xlsx
(21 KB, download:8)