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미국 San Diego Scripps Research 연구소 포스닥 채용 공고(생명과학부 박사졸업생 대상)

2022-12-09l 조회수 652

<생명과학부 박사졸업생 대상 미국 San Diego Scripps Research 연구소 포스닥 채용 공고>

Chanda Lab (Scripps Research/Calibr, La Jolla, CA)


About us: chanda sk - Search Results - PubMed (nih.gov)

The Chanda Lab has recently joined the Immunology and Microbiology Department at The Scripps Research Institute. We continue to focus on the role of innate immunity in viral infections, cancer, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. Through our Calibr arm, we have undertaken a robust drug-discovery program to develop next-generation therapeutics for the treatment of these conditions. Our antiviral drug discovery efforts will be strengthened by the recent award of an NIAID contract as part of the Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Centers for Pathogens of Pandemic Concern program.


Available positions:
We are looking for talented, highly motivated Postdoctoral Associates (Scripps or Calibr), Staff Scientists (Scripps) and Research Scientists (Calibr) with a strong interest in virology, immunology, neuroscience and drug discovery. See links for details. Our job ads can also be found on LinkedIn (search: Chanda Lab, San Diego County in Jobs). If you have any questions, please reach out to Dr. Tanya Dragic at tdragic@scripps.edu.


Postdoctoral Associate – Virology (reversal of HIV latency)

Careers | Scripps Research


Postdoctoral Associate – Virology (host restriction factors)

Careers | Scripps Research


Postdoctoral Associate – Immunology (T cell biology and inflammasomes in autoimmunity)

Careers | Scripps Research


Postdoctoral Associate – Chemoproteomics (virus-host interactions)

Careers | Scripps Research


Postdoctoral Associate – Neuroscience (innate immunity and neuroinflammation)

To be posted


Research Scientist (Calibr) – Virology/Immunology (adjuvant and antiviral drug discovery)

Careers | Scripps Research

*note that Calibr is also accepting postdoctoral applicants in virology, immunology and chemoproteomics.


Staff Scientist – Virology/Immunology (virus-host interactions and target-discovery)

Careers | Scripps Research

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