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기존 세미나

게시물 목록
No. 제목 날짜 조회수
706 [기계전공세미나-열전달특강,자동화설계특강2과목]Direct Methanol Fuel Cell for Mobile Application 2007-09-27 2007-09-27 1185
705 [항공전공세미나-항공우주문제특강과목] 휴강 2007-09-27 2007-09-27 1030
704 [항공전공세미나-항공우주문제특강과목] Recent Advances in Rotorcraft Technologies 2007-09-18 2007-09-18 1141
703 [항공] Jason-1 POD Using GPS Combined with Laser and DORIS Tracking Data 2007-09-17 2007-09-17 1115
702 [기계전공세미나-열전달특강,자동화설계특강2과목]AUTOTHERMAL REFORMATION OF METHANOL 2007-09-17 2007-09-17 1187
701 Fan and Compressor Research at General Electric Aviation 2007-09-10 2007-09-10 1199
700 [항공전공세미나-항공우주문제특강과목] Recent Progresses in Aeroelasticity: Rotorcrafts and Aircraft Turbine Engines 2007-09-10 2007-09-10 1128
699 [기계전공세미나-열전달특강,자동화설계특강2과목] 발전 Business 소개 및 Global strategy 2007-09-10 2007-09-10 1211
698 [기계전공세미나] Microfluidic Cell Migration Assay To Evaluate Angiogenic Factors 2007-09-03 2007-09-03 1428
697 “Small” Tools for Neuroscience and Stem Cell Research 2007-08-31 2007-08-31 1222