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김지환 Kim, Ji Hwan

  • Major : Nonlinear Response of Shells and Plates, Structural Stability of Aerospace Structures
  • Lab. : 항공우주 응용역학 연구실
  • Office : 301-1306
  • Phone : 02-880-7383
  • Fax :
  • Website : http://odyssey.snu.ac.kr
  • Email : jwhkim@snu.ac.kr

  • - 1978~1982 서울대학교 항공우주공학 학사
  • - 1982~1984 서울대학교 항공우주공학 석사
  • - 1984~1989 서울대학교 항공우주공학 박사
  • - 1989~1991 University of Maryland 항공우주공학 연구원
  • - 1992~현재 서울대학교 기계항공공학부 교수
Research Interests

 The applied mechanics is the core technology for mechanical design where the static and dynamic analyses involving force and deformation are concerned.The research field of the applied mechanics includes the computer simulation of automobiles and human bodies under various crash conditions, the vibration and noise analysis of computer hard drivers and optical pickups, the multiphyiscs analysis of active elements such as piezoceramic elements and multibody dynamics of robot manipulators. Recently, mutliscale simulations involving molecular dynamics and continuum mechanics are researched by the need to predict the stress and the deformation of micro-nano scale systems. In addition to various simulations, in-depth experiments for strain analysis, vibro-acoustic analysis and multibody dynamic analysis are also conducted.