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[대림산업]2013년 하반기 신입외국인 유학생 채용(Entry-Level Job Opportunity for International Student in Korea)

2013-10-02l 조회수 563

대림산업 2013년 하반기 신입외국인 유학생 채용


대림산업은 국내외에서 많은 사업을 수행하고 있는 종합건설회사로서, 글로벌사업의 원활한 수행과 다국적 기업문화 조성을 위하여 아래와 같이 외국인유학생을 채용하고자 합니다.


- 아 래 -


. 모집분야 및 전공

1) 건설기술 : 기계, 전기, 화공, 산업공학, 건축, 토목 관련학과

2) 해외영업/사무관리 : 상경, 법정, 어문 관련학과


. 모집인원 : 00


. 지원자격

1) 모집분야 관련학과 전공자로 20138월 졸업자 및 142월 졸업예정자

2) 영어 능통 및 E-7 Visa 취득 가능자


. 접수기간 : 2013. 09. 05 10. 15 (PM 18:00)


. 전형방법 : 서류전형 인적성검사 면접전형 신체검사


. 기타 자세한 내용은 첨부의 채용안내문을 참조하시기 바랍니다.


Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd.

Entry-Level Job Opportunity for International Students in Korea


Established in 1939, Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd. provides high-quality and cost-competitive services include gas, refinery, chemical & petrochemical, power & energy plants, building & housing, civil works as well as a range of industrial facilities.


We are building a new future with our invaluable assets from our 74-year history and looking for talented & enthusiastic candidates who will build the future together with Daelim to be a global leader.



1. Recruiting Area



Construction & Plant Engineering

- Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Industrial Engineering

- Civil and Architectural Engineering

Overseas Business & Administration

- Economics, Law & Politics and Business Administration


2. Eligibility

   1) Students who will graduate in February 2014 (or graduated August 2013)

   2) Eligible to get an E-7 visa as per the Korean Immigration law

   3) Fluent in English

(both oral and written / should submit English Score Certificates copy, if available)


3. Application

   1) Application must be submitted by 15th October 2013 (18:00p.m.)

   2) How to apply : Submit the application to globalhr@daelim.co.kr

3) Contact No. : 02-2096-6172 (S.H Lee) / 2096-6174 (Che)


4. Documents to be submitted

   1) Daelim Application Form / http://eng.daelim.co.kr/daelim/Careers.do down load.

   2) Transcript (BA degree or above only)

   3) A copy of Alien card (both front & rear)


5. Recruiting Schedule: Application Review Personality test Interview Medical Test


6. Miscellaneous

1) Announcement of the CV screening result : 25th October 2013

2) The recruitment schedule is subject to change depending upon the company’s circumstance

at any point of time.

 첨부파일 (2개)