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Flows Induced by Temperature Fields and

2005-08-23l 조회수 1299

1. 제 목 : Flows Induced by Temperature Fields and
Vacuum Pumps without a Moving Part
2. 연 사 : Yoshio Sone
3. 일 시 : 2005년 9월 15일 (목) 오전 10:30 – 11:30
4. 장 소 : 서울대 301동 117호
5. 내 용 :
In a rarefied gas, its temperature field is closely related to its flow velocity field. That is, time-independent flows are induced by temperature fields, and the temperature of the gas is non-uniform even in the case where the boundary temperature is uniform and the flow speed (or Mach number) is so small that its square may be neglected (thermal polarization). First, various kinds of flows induced by temperature fields, such as thermal creep flow, thermal stress flows, and thermal edge flow, are explained. By proper geometrical arrangement of these flows, one-way flows are shown to be induced through a pipe without average pressure and temperature gradients. As their applications, two models of vacuum pumps without a moving part (a Knudsen compressor and a thermal edge compressor) and their performance are shown.
In addition to the study of a rarefied gas, kinetic theory is essential to the study of a gas in the continuum limit. That is, there is an important class of problems of a gas in the continuum limit which the classical fluid dynamics fails to describe correctly. The ghost effect [2, 3] of the flows mentioned above plays a key role on this result. This subject is discussed if time permits.

6. 약 력 :
2000 - Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University
1998 Visiting Professor (C.N.R.), Università di Parma
1996 - 1997 Chairman, School of Engineering Science, Kyoto University
1996, 1997 Invited Professor, Université Paris VII
1995 Visiting Professor (C.N.R.), Politecnico di Milano
1990 Visiting Scholar, Max Plank Institute für Strömungsforschung
1988, 1994 President, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
1988 Visiting Professor (C.N.R.), Politecnico di Milano, Università di Bologna
1986 Invited Professor, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
1980 Visiting Professor, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
1979 - 2000 Professor, Kyoto University
1966 - 1979 Associate Professor, Kyoto University
1966 - 1968 Visiting Research Scientist, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
New York University
1963 - 1966 Lecturer, Kyoto University
1961 - 1963 Instructor, Kyoto University

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김 종 암 (☏ 880-1915)