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기존 세미나
[WCU]12월 15일 Multiscale Nano Mechanics in Design & Analysis
2009 WCU Multiscale Mechanical Design/ NRL Scale Bridging Symposium
일시: 12월 15일 13:00~18:00
주제: Multiscale Nano Mechanics in Design & Analysis
장소: 차세대자동차연구센터(314동 211호)
연사: Ting Zhu(Georgia Institute of Technology),
Maenghyo Cho(Seoul National University),
Harold Park(University of Colorado),
Min Zhou(Georgia Institute of Technology),
Kyeongjae Cho(University of Texas, Dallas)
문의: 880-1916
일시: 12월 15일 13:00~18:00
주제: Multiscale Nano Mechanics in Design & Analysis
장소: 차세대자동차연구센터(314동 211호)
연사: Ting Zhu(Georgia Institute of Technology),
Maenghyo Cho(Seoul National University),
Harold Park(University of Colorado),
Min Zhou(Georgia Institute of Technology),
Kyeongjae Cho(University of Texas, Dallas)
문의: 880-1916